The Truth About The Hdtv Switch

There is a lot of information–and misinformation–getting thrown colse to recently when it comes to high definition, and many find themselves intimidated by this new wave of technology, so TechNinja is here to set the record straight on one of the biggest Hdtv myths. Read this before you go shopping for a new Tv; it may save you hundreds of dollars.

Some population have been spreading rumors that the Us will be broadcasting Only in high definition within the next few years. Many salesmen have been playing on this belief to convince consumers to buy High Definition Tvs, telling them that anyone less will soon be out of date.


True or false? The fact is, there is no truth whatsoever in this myth.

On February 17, 2009, the United States will begin broadcasting only in Dtv, which means Digital Television. This Is Not the same as Hdtv, and you will not need an Hdtv set to watch Tv after this switch takes place. This means that to watch Tv after February 17, 2009 you will need a Tv with a digital tuner. This is the only requirement. You do not need an Hdtv. If anyone wants to argue the point, refer them to the valid Fcc website at You’ll look smart, I promise.

Furthermore, there is a program in place called the Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupon Program. This program offers coupons for households who don’t want to–or can’t–buy a new Tv for the switch in 2009. Straight through this program, you can receive a coupon for a free converter that will allow your old analog set to work with the new digital broadcasts. You can find supplementary details here.

The Truth About The Hdtv Switch

See Also : Weight Loss | Helpful Guidelines

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