Soy Protein?

I get this question a Lot. “What protein powder is best?” It’s like request me which black and white Tv is best – the 12″ or the 15″? Neither – they’re black and white Tvs. And they’re small. What we all want is a Samsung 65″ 1080p / 240Hz / 3D Led-Lcd Hdtv, right? That’s what I want, anyway, and if anything has ,000 to spare you can get me that for Christmas. To be perfectly clear, in this analogy the Samsung is real, unadulterated, unprocessed, high potential food. The black and white Tvs, in all their splendid sizes, are protein powders.

Excuse my idealism, but I believe there is sufficient real food in America that you should be able to find a way to put some veggies, fruit, eggs, nuts, seeds or meat in your mouth, instead of a thoroughly wrecked, processed, food-like powder. I do perceive that there are situations when a protein powder is much easier, more affordable and faster than manufacture or buying an whole meal, but in my concept the good option is always real, whole food. Whole foods like raw or lightly cooked veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, eggs and meats have nutrients in them that work synergistically with each other to nourish you in many distinct ways. When you process soy, whey, rice, etc. To make protein powders out of them, a lot of their nutrients are stripped away with heat, chemicals and perilous heavy metals. Today we’re going to talk about soy protein’s misgivings and merits. Next week I’ll go over whey protein.


Soy protein comes in some distinct forms – soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, and sometimes just soy flour. They are all soy beans, or edamame, processed in some way – some more than others. No matter what type of soy protein it is, it’s all soy. You’ll find these products not only in tubs of soy protein powder, but in all things from Odwalla drinks to Clif bars, cookies, soups, cereals, bread – you name it. Because it’s so ubiquitous, I concept it deserved a post of its own.

There is an foreseen, estimate of explore and contention surrounding soy. I determined trying to lay it all out there for you, but quite nothing else but the concept of that made me nauseous and grumpy. I’m just going to make myself beneficial by pointing you in the direction of some good sources of info on the topic.

The Bad

Dr. Mercola, alternative medicine’s monger of fear and anxiety, has a lot to say about soy. Much of his facts was taken from the Weston A. Price Foundation, which has Sally Fallon at its helm. Sally Fallon, in a word, hates soy and will tell you all about it on her websites.

Here are some highlights:

1. Soy is very hard on your digestive system.

2. The phytates in soy inhibit your body’s absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

3. Soy contains isoflavones that are phytoestrogens (literally “plant estrogens”), which act like estrogen in your body. One researcher “estimated that an infant exclusively fed soy method receives the estrogenic equivalent (based on body weight) of at least five birth operate pills per day.” ( ) This, they argue, can cause anything from smaller testicles in males to earlier puberty in females.

4. “Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy method has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.”( )

If that’s not sufficient to make you think twice about sharp soy regularly, think about this: Soy is the second most common food allergen in this country. I do a lot of food sensitivity blood testing using the Leap test by Signet Diagnostic Corporation, and roughly all of my Leap clients are sensitive to it. Not to mention that most of the soy out there is genetically modified. Soy also has one of the highest pesticide contamination levels of any crop.

The Good

There are plentifulness of articles on the benefits of soy. These days there always seems to be at least one caveat, like “Soy is good, soy is great, but it Might cause thyroid cancer…” or “You should stop eating meat because soy is good for you, but it Might give your baby C cup breasts by the age of 3…”

The pro soy camp claims that soy has a unavoidable effect on high blood pressure, some cancers and weight loss, among other things. For every study out there saying good things, there is another study debunking it and vice versa. There are so many variables with schoraly research, which is why I always ask myself, ‘What would our ancestors do?’ Even without the internet, our predecessors somehow magically knew what to do with food. When soy was first introduced as a food in China about 5,000 years ago, they would have fermented it (miso, tempeh, soy sauce) to make it easier to dispell and to lower the phytoestrogen article before they even concept about putting it in their mouths. It’s also known in Asian countries that if you want your husband’s libido to decrease, you feed him a lot of tofu. By the way, soy wasn’t even determined a food in the U.S. Until the 1920’s, before which time it was used here for things like painting Fords.

So, if you want a protein powder, please think twice about the Odwalla Super Protein drink or Gnc’s super discounted soy protein “Get Ripped” formula. Try eating whole foods instead. Meat has lots of protein in it.

If you’re interested in reading more about protein powders and assorted other nutrition topics, visit Neely Quinn’s nutrition Therapy blog at

Soy Protein?

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